Consultation LocationLocated in Palmer, Alaska HoursTuesday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM*Saturday: Hours vary*Late appointments available upon request. ContactAddress: 425 E Dahlia Avenue Suite J, Palmer, AK 99645Phone: 907.745.1524Email: Request an Appointment New Client? YesNo Please select procedure of interest: —Please choose an option—Free ConsultationWeight LossHair RestorationDermal FillersNeurotoxinFacials / DermaplaningLaser LiposuctionMini Tummy TuckChemical PeelsMicro-needlingPDO ThreadsVein TreatmentsLaser Hair RemovalLaser GenesisTattoo RemovalCoolsculptTrusculptBody ContouringFacialsOther Name Email Phone Date of Birth Preferred Provider No PreferenceShannon Gulley, MDKristel Walsh, RN Preferred Date Preferred Time morningafternoon Please Note: We will contact you based upon schedule availability. Please leave this field empty. I agree to receive text messages for feedback requests.